Thursday, March 17, 2011

Portfolio Piece #6 - Composite photo

This is an image from the NYC street of the art supplies storefront. I did a color correction to darken the image and add a little more contrast, as well as to bring out the lights on the store front. I then replaced the original lamp post with a paint brush from a photo I had taken of a box of paint brushes. The photo on top is the original.

Portfolio Piece #5 - Painting over photograph

This photo I took in an art supplies store in NYC. The first image is the original photo that I took. In my photoshop edit I edited out the bag in the bottom left corner and added a label to the paint bottle there. I tried to do a fade from black and white to vibrant color from top to bottom. And the space that was between the bottles on one of the top shelves, I tried to fill by exaggerating the glare I got from my flash, adding a white shape and blending it out.

Portfolio Piece # 4 - Color Correction & Filters

This was an image I took a couple of weeks ago on campus, and I worked on some color correction and filters. The sky and the grass were posterized after I did a color correction on the entire image, making the sign more vibrant as well as bringing out the red in the bushes.

Portfolio Piece #3 - Color Correction

With this color correction I tried to make the colors more vivid as well as increase the contrast to bring out the shadows. I felt like there was a lot of blue and green in the original which I tried to adjust and bring in a little more red.

Portfolio Piece #2 - Composite Piece

In this image I took a scan of an instant photograph that I had taken, and incorporated one of my abstract photos of the apple cut open. I used a filter on the apples which is probably my favorite part of the piece. The less opaque image laid on top of the scanned image is the underside of an umbrella, taken also from my abstract photos, and I mostly chose that for the pattern.

Porfolio Piece #1 - 60 minute painting

This was from the first assignment, the 60 minute photoshop painting. I chose this for my portfolio because I liked the use of smudging to add dimension, as well as the burning and dodging used on the two moons. Seeing as this was one of our first pieces it is not my best but I still feel like this was one of my favorites to complete thus far.