This color correction I struggled with the most. I liked the aged look after I made some changes to the hues and brightness/contrast, but I was hoping to get a little more color and distinction in the leaves.
It's a little hard to tell in the JPEG format, but I lightened the image in order to enhance the colors of the photo, particularly the red in the fire hydrant.
Photo of Hollman and Forcina, used an image from the bricks outside of centenial with handprints in place of the bricks on Hollman and then used a less opaque image of the handprints on Forcina, the first panel by the lion's head.
The back of my suitemate in front of my desk. Manipulated the image on the computer with a photograph I took of a butterfly garland in my room. Added the butterflies at top and bottom with neon filters for different focal points.
Combination of a picture of a spectra photograph of my brother in an apple farm, inside cuts of an apple with a watercolor filter and some burning around the edges, and the image from the inside of the umbrella overlayed with reduced opacity.
Front view of the faucet in my dorm bathroom. A little more blurred than I wanted but I couldn't get the settings on my digital camera to work out with the reflection on the faucet.
This is my 60 minute photoshop painting from after the first week of lab. I utilized the smudge tool, as well as the dodge and burn tools to create the comparison between the moon in a lighter sky to the moon in a night sky. I also used the eraser on the moon in the ligher sky to simulate the transparent nature of the moon in the sky during the day.