Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Color Correction 3


Color Correction

This color correction I struggled with the most. I liked the aged look after I made some changes to the hues and brightness/contrast, but I was hoping to get a little more color and distinction in the leaves.

Color Correction 2


Color Correction

I played with contrast to enhance the red in the bricks and take out some of the green hue in the original.

Color Correction 1


Color Correction

It's a little hard to tell in the JPEG format, but I lightened the image in order to enhance the colors of the photo, particularly the red in the fire hydrant.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Composition photo 3

Photo of Hollman and Forcina, used an image from the bricks outside of centenial with handprints in place of the bricks on Hollman and then used a less opaque image of the handprints on Forcina, the first panel by the lion's head.

Composition photo 2

Roommate with cards. Duplicated the image and skewed it to spray them out. Used another image of here with cards as a less opaque backround.

Composition photo 1

The back of my suitemate in front of my desk. Manipulated the image on the computer with a photograph I took of a butterfly garland in my room. Added the butterflies at top and bottom with neon filters for different focal points.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

composite photoshop piece 2

Combination of a picture of a spectra photograph of my brother in an apple farm, inside cuts of an apple with a watercolor filter and some burning around the edges, and the image from the inside of the umbrella overlayed with reduced opacity.

Composite photoshop piece

Blood oranges with a neon glow filter and a webcam photo of my brother.

absract photo 3

The underside of an umbrella. I really liked the shadow in the lower right hand corner and the metalwork pattern of the skeleton of the umbrella.

abstract photo 2

Front view of the faucet in my dorm bathroom. A little more blurred than I wanted but I couldn't get the settings on my digital camera to work out with the reflection on the faucet.

abstract photo 1

 Half of a blood raspberry orange, taken on my desk. I really liked the color, especially since the deep red is unexpected in an orange.

Friday, February 4, 2011

1 Hour Photoshop Painting

This is my 60 minute photoshop painting from after the first week of lab. I utilized the smudge tool, as well as the dodge and burn tools to create the comparison between the moon in a lighter sky to the moon in a night sky. I also used the eraser on the moon in the ligher sky to simulate the transparent nature of the moon in the sky during the day.