Sunday, May 1, 2011

Self-Reflection on Project

I was really excited to start working on this project and combine a bunch of different mediums into one format (painting, music, and video). I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. Had I had more time, I would have tried to capture more frames and perfect the stability of the frames as well as work on the timing a little more of the change in frames and with the music. Overall, I'm really glad I chose to do the stop motion rather than regular video; I felt more passionate about being in control of the little details. I'm pretty happy with the product, and actually want to try to perfect it more over the summer and really clean it up with more time.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I decided to speed up my images to make it a little smoother, which threw off my audio cuts, but I'm working on refinishing them right now. The images look a lot smoother, and by speeding up the majority of them, the ones that I kept with a longer duration are exaggerated more which I wanted, like when the two subjects are reaching out their hands, or when the apartment buildings are introduced in the beginning and then removed at the end. So far I'm pretty happy with the video, I just want to do one final color correction and then I can export it as a quicktime.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I was able to finalize some edits on my video today in class and export it into a quicktime video so I could work on color correction. So far so good, I'm just trying to think of any last things I want to add to really finalize it and make it a strong piece. It's simple, but I really like it and am proud of the work I put into it. I'm going to show a few friends and get some feedback and opinions on anything I can do to strengthen my video before my final cut and presentation.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Song in video

This is the song I'll be using in my video.
Two Birds on a Wire - Regina Spektor

Story Board

Here's my drawn out story board. When I made this I wasn't sure about music cuts, so I didn't include that in the descriptions, but after doing some music editing in class yesterday I have a better idea of how everything is alligned.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've been working slowly but surely on my final video stop motion project. It's based off of a song by Regina Spektor entitled "Two Birds on a Wire." The concept is two people speaking to each other on can phones across from apartment buildings, and how there's missed connections. I used watercolors and painted all the set pieces (apartment buildings, people, can phones, etc.) and just used a blue towel as the backdrop. I took about 180 photographs with a Canon SLR and set them up in my dorm lounge, shifting the pieces a little each time to get the animated, stop motion effect. Today I resized all my photos so I can add them into final cut, as well as added the song I'm using to my flashdrive so I can plug that in tomorrow. My story board is finished, I will probably scan that and post it here sometime at the end of this week/early next week. Here are some of my favorite shots so far from my photos:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Portfolio Piece #6 - Composite photo

This is an image from the NYC street of the art supplies storefront. I did a color correction to darken the image and add a little more contrast, as well as to bring out the lights on the store front. I then replaced the original lamp post with a paint brush from a photo I had taken of a box of paint brushes. The photo on top is the original.